Current ALSFRS-R 2
Meet the face
behind the posts
Hello, I am David DuBois and "I AM LIVING WITH ALS" in Springfield, VA.
I'm not scared, I am on a mission. The circumstances I am in are meant to be for a greater good of others.
I want to share with you my story so we can laugh and cry together while fighting for an ALS cure.
People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) can go from perfectly healthy to quickly being unable to move, swallow, or breathe. It can strike anyone at any time and there is no ALS cure.
The ALS Association is the only national nonprofit organization fighting ALS on every front. Through your gifts, you help us to continue providing hope and help to those in our community living with ALS (PALS) and their caregivers (CALS), while aggressively searching for new ALS Treatments and an ALS cure.
I am going to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to help The ALS Association make Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) a livable disease, and I'm asking for your help by donating to my Fundraising Page AND following along with my journey since diagnosis.
Lower right picture is from March 2021, before the first signs set in. Lower left is Nov 2021, upper right Feb 2022, upper left June 2022.
I have lost over 50lbs as well as muscle mass. I can no long curl 5lbs in my right arm once, compared to my left which I can curl 35 many times. In time I will lose the strength in my left arm, my legs and the rest of my body as well. Please help me share my story and fight ALS Causes, ALS Illness & ALS Disease.