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“F&@king Jupiter ‘ Guest Writer

October 2022 was the last time Laura and I took a road trip and it was to see my sister in Syracuse NY. This was Laura’s first time to the area and we were going to go see Niagara Falls as well. However, instead we had a beautiful time staying with Renata and David and Jenna my niece going to F&@king Jupiter.

Written by Renata:

David, when you and Laura visited us in Syracuse late last summer, one of the more comical moments I fondly remember was when we were using my telescope to try to find the planet Jupiter.  We had a clear night with thousands of stars shining down on us and the big bright gas giant, so prevalent on the night sky, hid from us, causing us to lament “f@&king Jupiter!”  It’s a phrase I will forever associate with the relentless search for things hidden in plain sight.

The planet Jupiter should have been one of the easier planets to find that night because of its brightness.  To me, our search for Jupiter that night is very much a metaphor for the simple pleasures that seem to become more meaningful in retrospect, because I tend to take them for granted as they’re occurring.

Sometimes I’m so intrigued by my own daily predicaments that I fail to recognize the most obvious, that what matters most is friends and family and an appreciation for small joys.  Joys like hearing the morning birdsongs, sitting under a shade tree or enjoying a crackling fire during a snowstorm, having a loyal dog always at my side or knowing that the kids I’ve raised have grown to be happy productive adults.

Appreciating the good things in life can sometimes be illusive, just like big bright Jupiter, hiding in the night sky.  I thank you and Laura for reminding me of that.


I love and appreciate my guest writers, if you want to be a guest writer please contact me here or text me at 703-408-6447.

Do you have an ALS story you want to share but need a platform to share on? I welcome you to use my blog as your platform.

  • submission need to be turned in by Wednesday at noon

  • Guest writers post will be posted on Thursday

  • Must submit on blog page for final review

  • 1000-2000 words with or without pictures but, preferred

  • PALS, Caregivers and Family members

  • PM or send request through blog to get further directions

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Victoria Borrelli Pawelczyk
Victoria Borrelli Pawelczyk
Jul 27, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Love this ❤️‍🩹

David DuBois
David DuBois
Jul 27, 2023
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Anytime you want to write one I am ready. Maybe a piece on being a lifelong caregiver? Or How to speak for someone who can’t? Titled “voice of an Angel “


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