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“FCK ALS” Chapter 43

I was diagnosed with ALS in May 2022, and by August I had participated in my first ALS CEO Soak. That October was my first ALS Walk and where this story begins.

As we gathered, I was happy to see members of my team had brought signs supporting me. However, there was one sign that stood out: our neighbors had created a sign with two words that tells the story for every PALS, caregiver, family or friend that said “FCK ALS “.

Their daughter, who has a special connection with Laura, handed the sign to her and said, “Mrs. Lola, I made a sign too.” For the rest of the event, Laura paraded around showing the sign to the thousands who attended, getting cheered on as we walked.  Many people that day may not have read it aloud, but they sure did think it.

Not long after, our daughter Dominique found a website and created the very first "FCK ALS" sticker. Since then, we’ve handed these stickers out to friends, family, and others. I handed out so many that I had to order more. I understand that the sentiment is not for everyone, but it’s the truth. Our truth. I've never heard anyone say, “love ALS”, “Darn that ALS,” or “Awe shucks I have ALS”.  There is something about the word “FCK” that says it all.

Last month Laura and I attended the annual mass deployment conducted by The Mission Continues.  This is a week long event where members from around the country converge on a city to work side by side with its community on service projects. Although I am not able to participate the way I used to, there was one day that was very special to me and I had to attend.

Frederick Douglass Community Center is where I held several projects when I led the DC chapter for TMC. During that time I made a very special friend. Isha, who gives everything back to her community and others. So when I heard one of the days during mass deployment was  the Frederick Douglass Community Center, I was not going to miss it.  When we got there, I met up with dozens of friends from TMC and the community, and they lifted my spirits above the clouds. We walked around seeing all the great work being done, met volunteers, and handed out a few stickers. Shortly before we left, I was surprised when the team presented me which two beautiful plaques from the community for the work we'd done there in the past.

If that wasn’t a blessing enough, later that day, Joy - a fellow TMC friend from Washington state - spent time asking TMC members to pose with the stickers and the results were amazing. Just like the first time at the walk, FCK ALS was alive again. Two little words with such a powerful statement.

Like so many times before, God has shown me how blessed I am.

So I decided that since I can’t use my voice anymore, I am going to use these two little words to make a difference.

Join me and say FCK ALS by showing off your new sticker.

Send a self addressed envelope with a stamp to 7617 Mulberry Bottom Lane, Springfield, VA 22153 (address also good for Christmas cards).

You will get one free sticker. If you want more, add 1$ each for the additional stickers (Max 5 )

Once you get the sticker take a picture with it for your socials tagged with #fckals  #veteranswithals #alsmissiondubois or if you don’t have socials, add as a comment to the blog comments.

Love and blessings.

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Victoria Borrelli Pawelczyk
Victoria Borrelli Pawelczyk
07 de ago. de 2023
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

Love! Love! Love! This ❤️‍🩹 and thanks for sharing these heart warming pictures❣️

Wow 🤩 Dave you continue to amaze me on how you let nothing stop you as well hold you back from continuing your mission . Especially when you lost the ability to have a physical voice you have managed to have a voice in your work that speaks volumes at an astronomical decibel 🤩

I am in for 5 as we now have 5 vehicles to help move your powerful message along💙

Dave sending you strength to continue fighting the good fight 💙

💕Victoria 💕


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