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“Thanks For The Memories” Chapter 72

What have you done for yourself lately? It’s important to allow yourself time/things too. It is very easy to get caught up in our lives and to forget prioritizing yourself. This is especially true for caregivers and single parents.

A friend of mine sent me a flyer from (shout out) with a variety of classes, and I signed up for two writing classes as a little gift for myself. I NEVER particularly liked writing or did well in English classes. In high school I took English 8 times just to graduate. I failed English class in 9th grade and then had to take it again at the same time as also taking 10th grade English. This was a rinse and repeat each year that followed, and in to officially graduating high school and receiving my diploma, I had to repeat 12th grade English in summer school. If I only I'd had ChatGpt when I was younger... I might have passed each class on the first try. Instead, I had to do it the old fashioned way and pay someone to write my papers, and I STILL struggled. English is a second language for me, bullshit is my first. So to even be interested in a writing class now says a lot about how far I've come.

I never considered myself to be a writer, but I was looking at it the wrong way. I now know that I'm a natural storyteller with just a little sprinkle of my first language mixed in. So even though I hesitated to write my blog, it’s the chance to tell my story in different ways that makes it fun. After all, I also have a great editor, that makes me look like a writer. **Editor's Note - it has been an absolute PLEASURE to edit these last 71 blog posts for David! I can also attest that as his confidence has grown and he has now fully embraced the importance of sharing his thoughtful words with the world, his writing has transformed in such powerful ways! Keep going, friend! We all need you you to keep writing and finding your strength in this new method of continued service.**

During the writing class, we each had 10 minutes to think of an object that brings to mind fond memories. Instantly, I thought about working with my dad over the summers, the power tools we used, and how much I enjoyed those times. I don’t know why that came to mind, though, because I normally don’t think of those times until I am actively using similar tools. It’s been over two years since I have been able to do so.

Please enjoy my writing response:

“Shortly after my dad died I went home and asked my mom where was dad’s skill saw. Dad was a carpenter and I spent the summers working with him. I remember the power and the smell of the skill saw as it went through the freshly cut wood. To this day every time I use a skill saw it brings me back to the summers working with my dad and I can hear his voice telling me to respect the power of the saw.”

This assignment got me thinking about how much I learned during those years and how much I loved working with my dad. He’s been dead since 1997 and those are such fond memories.  After, I spent some time thinking about what objects would my kids might think of that would remind them of me. One of the hardest things about being in the Army was not being able to bring my kids to work with me. Sure, there were family days each year, but that wasn't the same and I wish they could have truly appreciated my job.

When I worked with my dad, I developed a strong bond with him. Since I was unable to do that with my kids through my role with the Army, I had to think of other ways to teach them work ethic and important skills, so I would take them with me to volunteer events. Over the years, we picked up trash along the road, collected food, worked in gardens, and a broad range of other tasks and events. When I had projects around the house, they would work alongside me while I hoped to teach them the things I learned with my dad. Maybe one day they'll have a particular activity or item that will always remind them of me.

Giving myself this class not only taught me about writing, but it brought out great memories of my dad and special times with my kids over the years. If I didn’t give myself this gift of time and learning for the class, how much longer would I waited to have this memory and be encouraged by it? We have to remember to take care of ourselves and take advantage of opportunities when they are availabele. Doing so might even strike up some of your own memories.

Love and Blessings.


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Jun 14, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

>> I had to do it the old fashioned way . . .

David! that just made me shoot iced coffee out my nose.

Jun 15, 2024
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You caught me completely off guard. I was expecting something like “. . . way and pulled a week of all-nighters”. You’re really good at slipping in a laugh-wammy when least expected. Now I know to put the coffee down when. I read a new post.


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