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“Walking For ALS” Chapter 102

It was the cool start of a beautiful fall day as the ALS Organization staff and volunteers prepared for the 1,000 + participants soon to arrive.

However, for me, the 2024 Walk to Defeat ALS started months earlier. I was excited when I received the email invitation to participate again, as this would be my third year leading a walk team.  My goals this year was to raise $5,000 and 100 walkers. I prepared and posted the announcement for the walk on my social channels, and I was off.  For my first walk in 2022, I gathered the participants names and Laura made T-shirts for everyone. In 2023 we repeated the same process, but the shirts were made by our friends. Learning how time consuming the process was to get the sizes and make the shirts, I decided to get hats this year.

As the months went by, I continued to request participation and the team grew. On 5 October, over 150 participants in seven states and two countries walked for Team Mission DuBois. Together we raised over $10,000. The weather was beautiful - 77* and sunny as the D. C. participants gathered by the Washington Monument. Before the event officially kicked off, we gathered together to meet and give out team hats. To my surprise, Sheri, a long time friend of Laura, blessed us with hand made shirts and handed them out to team members. Others wore their shirts from the past walks or made their own. Laura handed out bracelets she'd handmade to the team, and many others during the walk too. My daughter Chantelle had temporary tattoos made that replicated the ones our family got last year and shared with the team. Over 45 walkers were on the D.C. team.

The team was gathered - shirts on and signs in hand - and Mission DuBois was ready. The emcee kicked off the event with awards and announcements, and soon the 1,000 walkers started the one mile journey around the park. We stretched out as far as you could see, each of us walking to do our part to defeat and help others learn about ALS. Having the opportunity to meet other PALS, CALS, and friends was amazing, and the stories my family shared made the walk even better. The day was not about someone dying from ALS, rather this day was about thousands of others LIVING with ALS

Also on October 5th, friends and family from Hawaii, Georgia, Colorado, Virginia, Arizona, Missouri, Louisiana, California, Texas, Italy, and Germany walked for Team DuBois. One of the coaches of the Ramstein H. S. Track team walked with 50+ students, as did other friends in Germany. Penny, Laura’s friend from school, and Patrick from The Mission Continues walked in CA. Army friends in MO, TN, and CO did their part. My sisters-in-law Sylvia and Maria faced 105 degree temperatures, and so many others prioritized their steps for the cause as well.

As we kicked off our walk in D.C., some of our team already completed their walks earlier. Cindy and Lynsay with their husbands hiked the hardest part of the Dolomites in Italy. Since she didn’t have her hat yet, she wore the next best hat... Go Cowboys! My sister Renate and brother-in-law David walked another ALS Walk in Liverpool, NY a week prior.

When the walk was over, we invited everyone back to our house to celebrate another successful walk. This was the best year so far - not only because we beat our goals, but because we were blessed to celebrate with family and friends near and far.

Over your life you'll have many opportunities to meet people, and maybe even leave a small impression on them. When I look at everyone who donated or participated in the walk this year, I feel humbled and loved. I am truly grateful for everyone who supported us this year, and I'm already looking forward to next year.

Love and Blessings

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a day ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Much love and thank you for sharing so openly. Of the Troops! Tracy


5 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It was such a blessing to be able to participate this year. The weather was beautiful in California and my dog enjoyed the walk too. I am looking forward to next year as well! I bet you will have over 100 walkers!

David DuBois
David DuBois
5 days ago
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Thank you for your support. I look forward to walking with you next year.

Love and blessings


6 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a blessing!!!

David DuBois
David DuBois
5 days ago
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Yes it was


Steve Witt
Steve Witt
6 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a great day!

David DuBois
David DuBois
6 days ago
Replying to

Yes it was my friend


Oct 15

At our walk in NYS they announced some of the recent advances that have been made in the quest for a cure. We’re not there, and progress is still slow, but it sure is looking hopeful.

David DuBois
David DuBois
Oct 15
Replying to

That’s great to hear. Thank you for sharing


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