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“Flat David “ Chapter 119

As I was looking through Facebook, I came across a picture of a boy holding up a “Flat Stanley."

“Flat Stanley" refers to a young boy character in a children's book series by Jeff Brown. The character is known for being accidentally flattened by a bulletin board while sleeping. Kids cut out, color, and send him to friends, family, and pen pals. These friends and correspondents take pictures of Stanley in different places and send those pictures back to his owner.

Over the past few years, as I watch my body wither away, the loss of muscle makes me flatter and flatter. When I look at my legs, I no longer have cankles. They are so skinny, that I can almost wrap my fingers around them. My calves are no longer big and defined. They are sunken and my tibias in the front of my legs stick out so much only my skin keeps them from being exposed. I used to tease my son that my calves looked better than his, but no longer. My thighs no longer stand up firm and strong. Instead they spread out and look like they were crushed and wiggle when moved. When I lay in bed flat, I can feel my organs moving back and forth as the bed is tilted. The fat and muscle that used to hold them in place are gone. The muscles on my arms flap around more than the arms on a 90 year old lady. The weight of my jaw pulls it open and the lack of muscles doesn't allow me to close it. My lower lip hangs down, exposing my teeth and gums so much that the dentist took 10% off because of the easy access.

Sitting here, I wonder if Stanley struggled to get the bulletin board off in of him. Did his mind tell his body to move, but couldn’t? Did he try to kick his flat legs to move the bulletin board off him? Were his arms trapped under him, tingling and cold from lack of blood flow? Why is Stanley always happy and smiling? Did he like to travel? If Stanley could travel in time, would he?

To me, being folded up and traveling around the globe for around a dollar would be awesome. Now that I am flat, how much would it cost to be mailed around? What size envelope would I need? 

If I could travel in time, I would make two stops: 2020 so I could buy $1,000 of NVDA, and also 2050 hoping diseases are cured but still be able to spend time with the family.

Why do people have pen pals with today’s technology? Shouldn’t we call it “Text-pals” now? How does Stanley get sent in a text? He must be bored not traveling so much. Maybe I can give him some tips on sitting around.

If Stanley had the choice, would he create a blog or YouTube channel? Would the subject be on travel?

So I guess the real question is would you want to be like “Flat Stanley?”

Love and Blessings 

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Susan Bieske
Susan Bieske
Feb 19
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I love this so much David! I remember our experience with Flat Stanley. Our niece sent him to us for an adventure in Texas. We took him to The Alamo. Not knowing it was a problem we set him on a ledge for a picture near those huge arched doors. Security was on us in an instant (although I was quick to snap a pic) and boy were they furious!! Apparently touching The Alamo is no bueno. I think the life of Flat Stanley would be fantastic. Seeing all those places and meeting all kinds of people. I wish you were still able to travel. I remember all the great times you and Laura had in Europe. I loved following…

David DuBois
David DuBois
Feb 20
Replying to


That’s funny I didn’t know you could not touch the building. We’ve been there a few times. I’m sure Stanley would have stories to tell..

I do miss traveling, but I am blessed.

Love and Blessings


Sherry Campbell
Sherry Campbell
Feb 18
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is such a cute blog post! While what's happening to your body as a result of ALS isn't funny, your reporting on Flat Stanley's activities and journeys is so entertaining. As for the time travel, I can imagine what stocks my husband would have purchased if he'd known then what we know now.

I can relate because your description of body changes is so much like my husband's. The muscle atrophy, hanging skin, and loss of movement are part of what I witness every day. I think my husband would be thrilled to be wrapped around a box and sent to visit his family members, all of the overseas places he worked in during his career, and out to…

David DuBois
David DuBois
Feb 18
Replying to


I am glad my writing makes you laugh. Oh I would definitely buy other stokes.

I always love traveling

All the best to you both

Love and blessings


Feb 17
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks, David, I alway enjoy reading your blog. Although, I wouldn't call you "Flat David", but rather "Courageous David," I like that better :0) Best, Greg

David DuBois
David DuBois
Feb 18
Replying to

Greg, well damm I guess I have to be full price to travel.😂

Love and Blessings


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