“My ALS Mantra” Chapter 114

Why do Athletes picture themselves performing their necessary task in their mind before the competition even begins? Does doing so give them the confidence they need to win? Some even picture themselves on the winners platform.
The answer? Athletes picture themselves winning because this practice, called "visualization" or "mental imagery," helps them mentally rehearse success. In turn, this boosts confidence, focus, and performance by stimulating the same neural pathways that will be activated during actual competition, essentially allowing them to "practice" the desired outcome in their minds, leading to better execution when the real moment arrives.
So, if I can see myself jumping over tall buildings in a single bound or running faster than a speeding bullet, then why can’t I heal myself mentally? Think about it. There's no known cure for ALS. What am I supposed to do all day every day? Sit around boo-hooing? There are two schools of thought here.
Positive thinking can't heal disease or injury. Research suggests that in some cases it can have benefits for those with health issues.
Positive thoughts and other mental practices can in fact help heal your body.
The brain is structured to connect the body and mind. The parts of the brain that control movement are also connected to networks that control involuntary bodily functions like heart rate and blood pressure.
Positive thinking: Positive thoughts can trigger physiological changes that strengthen your immune system, reduce pain, and relieve stress.
Optimism: Studies show that optimistic people are less likely to get sick.
Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help you notice subtle improvements and discomforts in your body.
Meditation: Meditation is a wellness practice that can help you train your awareness, attention, and compassion.
Expectations: Expecting treatments to work can make them more effective.
Gratitude: Writing in a gratitude journal can help you sleep better.
Purpose: Focusing on your purpose in life can help you live longer.
When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I can remember having warts on my hands. A day before going to see the doctor to get them burned off, my brothers told me their version of what the procedure was. They told me the doctor uses a torch with a flame to burn them off. You can imagine what I thought was going to happen. I was so scared the next day that when I woke up, the warts were gone. My mind had scared them away. In truth, the doctors use a freezing method to burn the warts off that only results in a stinging sensation. If I had known the truth and my brothers hadn't scared me, would the warts have been gone the next day? I don’t know for sure, but I do know the power of my mind healed me. I also know that negative thoughts can and will make you sick.
I say and live by my Mantra.
I AM STRONG. I may not be physically strong right now, but I will be again someday. I am mentally strong. I never have a bad day. If I have an issue, I let myself vent or be angry, but it is just a moment of the day that doesn’t determine the real outcome of the day. I either have GOOD or GREAT days. I know many of you are calling bull shit here. You are dying, what’s good about that? How do you stay positive? What about everything you will miss? I won’t let ALS break me or win. I picture myself on the winners podium so, I won’t be missing anything.
I HAVE FAITH. I have faith in a higher power. I admit that before ALS my faith and knowledge of God and the Bible was not strong, however, my beliefs get stronger every day. I believe in prayer and the healing power of God. I believe I have a purpose to share my journey. I believe that by sharing my journey, I will help others. Maybe it’s for a moment, maybe a day or maybe a lifetime, but I pray that my own journey will help someone with their GOOD day. If the Bad Days make the Good Days better, then the Good Days make the Great Days even greater.
I AM HEALING. I am healing mentally and spirituality for now. Colossians 3:13. “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” I have truly forgiven everyone and have no enemies. I have peace in my heart knowing that I have been forgiven for my sins by God, and I pray that I am forgiven by those I have sinned against. In my opinion, both healing mentally and spiritually are intertwined. When you fix your spirituality, your mental healing begins. Physically I have been pretty level and yes you can say it’s a plateau and it happens in ALS. I will argue it took 3 ¾ years to get here and it will be a slow process back. Because I believe I am healing.
I visualize myself walking and talking again. Showering and wiping my own ass again. I see and feel my hands moving and my fingers curling around something as I hold it. I see myself as a grandpa playing with my grandkids. I visualize all of this because I know it’s true. Most importantly, I see myself sharing my ALS journey with non-believers so they can heal too.
Love and Blessings
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So good !!! why waste time focusing on the negative
David, I can you see you getting stronger in the words that you write. #keepmoving!
I love this article, because it encompasses techniques I've learned to employ over the years. Positivity is a mental tool that can help overcome obstacles and maintain a healthy mental state. Rather than focusing on the "can't do", a deeper look at the "can do" can brighten the spirits and the day. As a cALS, it's important to focus on all of the positive aspects of my husband's condition. Can he sign a document? No, but he can still hold his TV remote and change stations as he wishes. He can still turn on his suction machine and do his own oral suctioning. Is he getting better? No, but he's not getting noticeably worse either, and stability is a win.