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“9” Chapter 23

When I was a young man, the ladies call me a "9." I was happy with that. After all, a 9/10 is pretty hot. Now that’s of course assuming they were using 9/10 and not 9/100. Heck that would be 9% and that’s not hot at all.

There are many scales out there for many reasons, so understanding the true value of 9 is relevant to the situation.

In this case, my 9 refers to the ALSFRS-R scale.  This 9 is 18% of 48. This 9 is the predicted value of what is left of my body.

For many their first thought is, “Oh my God, you only have 9 points left." Or, “What are you going to do”? Or, “How do you feel”?  However, I am a glass 3/4 full kinda guy. I think, "Wow, how blessed I am that I still have 9 points." I’m still sexy, just like I was when the ladies said I was a 9.

I have so much left to do and focus on. It would be a waste of time to focus on 39. After all, I AM a 9.

So I have created several videos to show you what a 9 looks like.

Both of my hands now have been affected by ALS. Laura created a finger attachment with a stylus to help me type. Every text, blog, or email is done with two fingers on my non dominant hand. Sure, its a challenge and I could easily quit, but what does that do for me? I am not special. There are many with less function than myself, but I am determined.

I can no longer stand up on my own. I need assistance to get out of bed or sit up. What I do have, though, is the support of my team to help me get on my feet. With a little communication and help, I can steady my feet to stand and exercise the muscles I do have left.

I can no longer walk on my own and have fallen several times, so I now require a walker. This walker gives me the ability to continue to walk and go outside. I have lost the muscles in my neck to keep it upright, but because I lost fifty pounds, I can see my feet better.

Another form of transportation for me is my wheelchair, which allows me to go further than my walker. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I will go to my garden more.

In the morning, Laura or the Physical Therapist warms my muscles up with exercises. This is to ensure I keep the function ALS has not taken yet.

Even though I can no longer dress and shower myself, the next video will show you the process we use.  Get your minds out of the gutter. This blog is PG and even though I am a 9, I am not showing you that video.

Ultimately I'm living life every day. I thank God before bed for giving me another day and thank Him in the morning for allowing me to wake up. I appreciate life much differently now, and I take my wins when I can.

So what is stopping you? Are you focused on your 39 or your 9? What is stopping you from progressing on with your task or passion? If you are faced with a challenge do you find a different way to do something or give up?  Don’t let society stop you because you feel you are expected to be a 39.

Go be a 9.

Love and Blessings


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Mar 10, 2023

Your 9 is extraordinary!!

David DuBois
David DuBois
Mar 10, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, you are a 10 to me


Victoria Borrelli Pawelczyk
Victoria Borrelli Pawelczyk
Feb 27, 2023

💙❤️‍🩹 your positivity, hope, perseverance and heart …..your a 100 in my book❣️ You are a true inspiration 🤩


Feb 27, 2023

You are an amazing 3/4 full kind of guy David! ♥️&💡


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