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“A Dream Within A Dream…“ Chapter 67

Have you ever had a dream within a dream within a dream?

I have been having a lot of dreams lately where I see myself moving my arms and legs. I can almost feel my hands moving, and then I wake up and see my body still in its place.

Recently one dream went a step further to the third level - next level dreams. I dreamed that Laura and I were sleeping in our room when our friend Denise walked in, surprising us with a visit. Laura jumped out of bed and gave her a big hug as they jumped around like little girls screaming with excitement. I was laying in my bed thinking, "where is my hug and why isn't she saying hi to me?"

As they lay down talking to each other, Dream Me #3 got up from my bed and stumbled to the floor. I wasn't able to stand, but I could flop around. After stumbling around a bit, I fell against the wall. My body was leaning head up, my arms flopped against my side, and my legs curled under like a marionette doll, unable to move. I heard Laura explain to Denise that "he is ok, that’s what he does."

At the same time, Dream Me #2 was laying in my bed doing bench press movements with my arms when Laura suggested to use a broomstick instead. I could still see them lying in bed talking away and I was still waiting for my hug. I was able to see and feel myself grabbing the broomstick and continue to do more presses while Dream Me #3 was leaning against the wall.

It was at that moment when Dream Me #1 awoke and was looking at my right hand as I opened and closed my hand making a fist. Dream Mes #2, #3 and Denise were gone and Laura was sleeping in her bed.

I’ve had this dream of me opening and closing my hand several times before. Each time I dream about seeing and feeling my hand opening and closing I wake up and find my body lifeless still in the same position it was before going to sleep. To be honest, I don’t mind the dreams of moving. Those dreams make me feel alive and they seem to be coming more often.

Confused yet? So am I. Why do I remember this dream so vividly and have the dream about my hand often? I dream every night and seldom remember them, and when I do they are not so vivid. Every night before I sleep I pray to God for three specific things first - I pray for God to “make me whole again," “to show me how he wants me to help others," and “thy will be done." Since God speaks to us in many ways, I wonder, is He showing me the future? I do trust that God hears my prayers and I will recover and be whole again one day.

I also wonder if other PALS have similar dreams. Has this been studied? Can we see the future through our dreams, or are my dreams “phantom pains” in dream form?

Phantom pain is when you feel pain in a body part that you no longer have. Most commonly, it involves limbs that are no longer there, like in the case of an amputation. This is specifically known as phantom limb pain. However, phantom pain is a more general condition and does not necessarily need to include limbs.

Phantom pain can also occur in people who have become paralyzed. Patients have reported feeling their paralyzed limbs moving freely and uncontrollably, or feeling as though they were permanently stuck in a painful or awkward position, despite visual evidence to the contrary.

I was not paralyzed suddenly though an event, though. PALS become paralyzed over time as our nerves to the muscles slowly die. For me, there hasn’t been any real pain. Sure my ass hurts from sitting on it all day as expected. However, it’s not like I had a Brazilian butt lift that went wrong. My last name is not Kardashian. Although, a BBL might give me some much needed cushioning right now... but I digress. Hahaha.

I do have phantom “feelings," but I wouldn't consider it to be pain when I’m awake. Sometimes my legs will feel crooked or my hands feel like they are curled, but as soon as someone moves them the feeling is gone. I am sure it a circulation thing. Yes “circulation thing “ is the technical term, Google it!

Weather it is just me dreaming or phantom pains, ultimately my question is, do I believe God is showing me my future and the dreams are to give me strength to keep moving forward? Or are my phantom pains just psychological and my dreams are in a forth level?

I am hoping this is all just a dream within a dream, within a dream, within a dream.

Love and Blessings


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