Poems Chapter 31
I hope this compilation of my poems find a place in your heart. "Caregiver" is from the viewpoint of the caregiver. "FCKALS" viewpoint of a PALS. "Hello My Friend" viewpoint of a visitor.
I did not ask to be a caregiver, it was given to me. The job to take care of him is now up to me.
I honor my vows for sickness and in health. To death do us part the cards we were dealt.
My body is tired, sore and broken but I cannot stop. For If I were it would break his heart.
Watching him lay here with a tear in my eye. I cannot show him so they must remain dry.
The physical man I once knew is not the same man I see today. But mentally he is here and still likes to play.
Learn to be a nurse, therapist, pharmacist and more. With no formal training how does anyone endure?
How long will this last, days, months, years? I gladly give up the time to settle his fears.
Our bed where we slept together loving each other. Replaced by a bed with no room for another.
His lips no longer can give me a kiss. Does he know how much his lips I miss.
This job was given to me but not as a gift. There are no returns or pink slips.
I honor the duty and would never give it away because I am his caregiver for the rest of his days.
First of all I am not dying from ALS I am living with it. You don’t have the right to kill me you piece of shit.
Clueless the doctors are for a cure. While PALS stand by and must endure.
Keep on praying to find a way. I ask God for one more day.
All I want is to walk and use my arms again. You prevent me from touching and feeling anyone again.
Lost in my body trying to get out. ALS is so frustrating it makes me shout.
Selfishly taking from families never giving back.
You selfish bastard I would rather have a heart attack.

Hello My Friend
Hello my friend I’m scared to visit. I am scared to face what is it.
Hello my friend I see you there. I am so sorry if I stare.
Hello my friend I really miss you. Life is so different without you.
Hello my friend how can I help you? I wish I could take this away from you.
Hello my friend you really look good. But I don’t know how to tell you or if I should.
Hello my friend every day I pray. Hoping for God to take the ALS away.
Hello my friend I’m glad I came. I hope that others do the same.
Hello my friend I wish you the best. I agree with you Fuck ALS
Wow! Dave your talents are amazing. and on going!
All your post really make me stop even if it just for a brief moment and reflect on my yesterday and the day I am already beginning ! Whether it be my thoughts, my choices, my decisions, my words and my actions! That being said… the big take way is …myself and others have them ! PALS have the physical ones robbed from them! You and Laura have certainly taken the beast by it’s gruff and are telling him who’s boss 💙🩷 FCKALS
You both are beautiful soles who were destined to be together !
She being your “angel 👼🏼 “and you being her “knight in shining armor” you just ha…
What?!!!!!!!!! Who is this author 😮
Your poems are so incredibly moving and thought-provoking! I am speechless, David. What an incredible and God-given gift you have shared with all of us. Absolutely and honored and blessed to call you my brother in Christ 🙏❤️