I’d like to ask what is it that we can do for you, as family/friends? What would make you happy?
David DuBois
Thank you for the questions. I will answer all on Mondays post
Hi David, it is already couple of months when I found your blog. At that time I read all your posts you wrote so far. I revisited now, and I think the last post was "Advocating For Your Life, Chapter 14". Just a while ago I read the last post written by your daughter - nice job, you raised a craftman, ooops I wanted to write craftwoman :)
I know about your mission, support of ALS Assoc. etc. This all is noble and highly appreciated. Now I noticed you requested TOPICS and QUESTIONS. I have one topic for you, but if you ignored that I will understand that. So what it is?
I would like to ask you, if you…
Lost Soul
Hey Big Brother my question is how do you keep so positive? You have always been my hero and always will be
David DuBois
Thank you for the question . Love and believing I will go to heaven
Hi, thanks for stopping by!
Follow along and I promise lots of laughs and good cries while we all learn about ALS from an educational, informative, and personal perspective - my own Journey with ALS.
Share and ask any questions you want. God bless you all.
I’d like to ask what is it that we can do for you, as family/friends? What would make you happy?
Hi David, it is already couple of months when I found your blog. At that time I read all your posts you wrote so far. I revisited now, and I think the last post was "Advocating For Your Life, Chapter 14". Just a while ago I read the last post written by your daughter - nice job, you raised a craftman, ooops I wanted to write craftwoman :)
I know about your mission, support of ALS Assoc. etc. This all is noble and highly appreciated. Now I noticed you requested TOPICS and QUESTIONS. I have one topic for you, but if you ignored that I will understand that. So what it is?
I would like to ask you, if you…
Hey Big Brother my question is how do you keep so positive? You have always been my hero and always will be